Error pages

What are they?

This page occurs as a result of an error in the user’s request, e.g. a URL doesn't correspond to a page (404 error). Successful error pages will reassure the user and guide them back to useful content, or a primary landing page.

How to write it

{What the customer needs to know + how to get them back on track} + redirecting CTA


Dos & Dont's

  • Keep it short
  • Be specific when you can about the cause, but keep the message more general if the error might have multiple reasons behind it
  • Explain in simple terms what happened “there’s been a glitch” “page not found”
  • If there’s an action the user needs to take to fix the error, explain it in just a few short words
  • Consider our guidance on apologies and taking accountability as needed
  • Comical phrases like “oops”, puns, or silly verbiage
  • Leave the customer stranded. Always include a CTA to direct them back to a main page or give them guidance on a next step.
  • Explain in technical detail what happened, this only needs a light touch


Tone of voice

Dial up our straight-talking and inclusive traits.

Read our tone of voice guidelines for details.



There’s been a glitch

Try going back or contact our support centre if you need a hand.

Page not found.

Let’s get you back on track.

CTA: Go to home page


That page doesn’t exist. Double check the web address, or head back to our home page.

Where did you go?

GeneralNetworkUserError_502 has occurred. Please try again.


This is embarrassing, one moment while we power back up…


The page you requested can't be found on the website server. It may indicate a flaw with a hosting service or your domain name system configuration settings.


Related links